School Education

School Education

School education in Australia includes preschool, kindergarten, primary school and high school. Schooling in Australia is for 13 years in total and it is compulsory until at least the age of 16. School education covers preparation for life such as developing communication skills, self-discipline, respect for themselves, their peers and the world, self-expression and personal growth. Schools offer a broad curriculum in the key learning areas – English, Mathematics, studies of Society and the Environment, Science, Arts, Languages Other Than English (LOTE), Technology, Health and Physical Education. In Australia, students will experience a diverse learning environment that enriches your studies and life and develop skills and qualities needed in the world.

A higher standard of learning

Australian schools are renowned for its high quality of learning. See for yourself what makes an Australian education so valuable:

  • Small sized classes (a maximum of 30 students in a class)
  • University-level qualified teachers and specialist teachers in subject areas
  • Good quality facilities – provide latest technology including computers and the internet
  • 'Gifted and talented’ programs to extend students who achieve high scores
  • Individual learning programs for students who need additional learning support
  • Quality assurance frameworks where schools must meet required standards

Teaching styles and assessment methods

Teaching methods include teacher-directed learning, student research, group projects, presentations, visual presentations, e-learning, and interaction in the class. Various assessment methods are used to assess students including individual research projects, group assignments, oral and visual presentations, the ability to use technologies such as PowerPoint, podcast or vodcast presentations as well as traditional class tests and assignments.

School qualifications

After completing senior secondary school (Years 11 and 12), students attempt exams to receive an official certificate of qualification. Australian school qualifications are recognised by all Australian universities, higher and vocational education institutions, training institutions and many other international providers.

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